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Our AI Consulting Frameworks and Methodologies

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At BTIT, we pride ourselves on employing fit-for-purpose methods and frameworks tailored to deliver the best outcomes for our clients. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of each client's unique needs, ensuring that our AI solutions are not only effective but also scalable and aligned with their business objectives. By leveraging industry-leading frameworks and methodologies, we provide structured, reliable, and innovative solutions that drive tangible results and sustainable growth.

Adopting AI in medium-sized businesses requires structured, incremental approaches to ensure scalability, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with business objectives. Here, we outline the some of the frameworks and methodologies we use in our AI consulting capability.


1. CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining)


  • Business Understanding
  • Data Understanding
  • Data Preparation
  • Modeling
  • Evaluation
  • Deployment

Strengths: Provides a well-structured approach to data projects, focusing on business objectives.

2. TDSP (Team Data Science Process)


  • Business Understanding
  • Data Acquisition and Understanding
  • Modeling
  • Deployment
  • Customer Acceptance

Strengths: Designed by Microsoft, it emphasizes collaboration, reproducibility, and scalability.

3. Lean AI


  • Iterative development
  • Fast prototyping
  • Continuous feedback

Strengths: Reduces time to market and allows businesses to quickly adapt AI models based on feedback.


1. Agile AI Development

Approach: Adapts Agile software development practices to AI projects.

Strengths: Promotes flexibility, quick iterations, and stakeholder engagement.

Examples of Use:

  • Spotify: Utilizes Agile methodologies to enhance their music recommendation engine.
  • ING: Adopts Agile AI Development to streamline their AI projects in banking and finance.


2. MLOps (Machine Learning Operations)


  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Monitoring

Strengths: Ensures reliable and efficient deployment and maintenance of ML models.


3. AI Canvas


  • Problem Definition
  • Data
  • Training
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Business Impact

Strengths: Focuses on integrating AI strategy with business strategy, ensuring alignment and clarity.


Key Considerations for Medium-Sized Businesses

  1. Business Alignment: Ensure AI projects align with business goals and solve specific problems.
  2. Scalability: Choose frameworks and methodologies that allow for scalability as the business grows.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Focus on approaches that optimize resources and provide clear ROI.
  4. Skill Development: Invest in training for employees to effectively use and manage AI tools.