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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy for BTIT Managed Application Services


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that BTIT Managed Application Services can continue to operate during and after a disruption, providing our clients with confidence in our ability to maintain service availability and integrity. This policy outlines the responsibilities, preventive measures, and procedures for responding to and recovering from disasters, particularly for our government clients.


This policy applies to all BTIT employees, contractors, and third-party vendors involved in the management and support of BTIT Managed Application Services.

Policy Statements

1. Roles and Responsibilities

1.1 Executive Management

  • Ensure adequate resources are allocated for business continuity and disaster recovery planning and implementation.

  • Approve the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan (BCDRP).

1.2 Business Continuity Manager

  • Develop, implement, and maintain the BCDRP.

  • Coordinate regular testing and updates of the plan.

  • Ensure all employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities within the plan.

1.3 Emergency Response Team (ERT)

  • Activate and coordinate the business continuity and disaster recovery procedures during a disruption.

  • Communicate with stakeholders and manage the recovery efforts.

1.4 All Employees

  • Participate in training and awareness programs related to business continuity and disaster recovery.

  • Follow the procedures outlined in the BCDRP during an incident.

2. Preventive Measures

2.1 Security Measures

  • Implement robust security controls to protect against cyber threats and technical failures.

  • Regularly update and patch systems to prevent vulnerabilities.

2.2 Data Backup

  • Perform regular backups of all critical data.

  • Ensure backups are securely stored and readily accessible for restoration.

  • Encrypt backups using approved algorithms.

2.3 Redundancy and Failover

  • Utilize redundant systems and data centers to ensure service continuity.

  • Implement automatic failover mechanisms to switch to backup systems in the event of a failure.

3. Business Continuity Planning

3.1 Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

  • Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential threats to BTIT Managed Application Services.

  • Perform a BIA to determine the critical business functions and the impact of their disruption.

  • Establish Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) for each critical function.

3.2 Continuity of Operations

  • Identify and prepare alternate work sites for critical staff.

  • Ensure these sites are equipped with necessary resources and technology.

  • Prioritize the restoration of critical business functions based on the BIA.

4. Disaster Recovery Planning

4.1 Disaster Recovery Team

  • Establish a Disaster Recovery Team responsible for implementing the DRP.

  • Conduct regular training sessions and drills to ensure team members are prepared to execute the DRP.

4.2 System and Data Recovery

  • Restore data from backups to bring systems back to operational status.

  • Verify the integrity and completeness of restored data.

  • Implement procedures for restoring critical systems and applications.

4.3 Third-Party Services

  • Coordinate with third-party service providers to ensure their recovery plans align with BTIT’s requirements.

5. Incident Response and Management

5.1 Incident Detection and Response

  • Implement continuous monitoring to detect potential incidents.

  • Develop an incident response plan that includes identification, classification, escalation, and resolution of incidents.

5.2 Communication

  • Establish internal communication channels for coordinating response efforts.

  • Provide regular updates to stakeholders on the status of recovery efforts.

5.3 Post-Incident Review

  • Document all incidents and the response actions taken.

  • Analyze the effectiveness of the response and recovery efforts.

  • Update the BCDRP based on lessons learned.

6. Testing and Maintenance

6.1 Regular Testing

  • Conduct regular tests of the BCDRP to ensure its effectiveness.

  • Document test results and make necessary adjustments to the plan.

6.2 Plan Maintenance

  • Review and update the BCDRP annually or whenever significant changes occur.

  • Ensure all changes are documented and communicated to relevant stakeholders.

7. Compliance and Reporting

7.1 Regulatory Compliance

  • Ensure the BCDRP complies with all relevant regulations and industry standards.

  • Conduct regular audits to verify compliance.

7.2 Reporting

  • Provide stakeholders with regular reports on the status of business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

  • Share post-incident reports with affected parties.

8. Communication Plan

8.1 Internal Communication

  • Establish internal communication channels (e.g., email, messaging apps) for coordinating response efforts.

  • Ensure all team members are aware of their roles and responsibilities.

8.2 External Communication

  • Develop templates for external communications (e.g., press releases, customer notifications).

  • Designate spokespersons to handle media inquiries and public statements.

8.3 Stakeholder Updates

  • Provide regular updates to stakeholders on the status of the recovery efforts.

  • Ensure transparency and timely communication to maintain stakeholder trust.

Review and Updates

This Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy must be reviewed annually or whenever there are significant changes to the managed application services or the operating environment. Updates to the policy will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.